September is here and kids are back in school. Most parents are happy to get their kids back into the routine of school, but not happy when their children bring home bed bugs. Schools are are often considered one of the top 10 locations bed bugs are contracted.
How do they get there?
Students or staff have infestations at home and bring bed bugs to schools. As we know bed bugs love warm places, and can be mostly found in the following school areas:
- School staff break rest areas.
- Closets and lockers for coats, hats, and backpacks.
- Faculty lounge, office area or nurses office with upholstered furniture or cots.
- Classrooms with upholstered furniture.
- Schools with child care facilities or dormitories.
What can Parents do?
Don't panic, anyone can get bed bugs. Observe your childs' book bags, outer garments and clothing for signs regularly. In addition, limit items being brought to school. This will decrease the chances of your child bringing bed bugs home. Pay close attention to any bed bug notices from school administration.
Contact NYC Bed Bug Inspections today if you feel your child has brought bed begs home from school.